Jonathan J. G. ALEXANDER (éd.), Lilian ARMSTRONG, Giordana MARIANI CANOVA, Federica TONIOLO, William M. VOELKLE, Roger S. WIECK, The Painted Page, Italian Renaissance Book Illumination 1450-1550, Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, 27 october 1994-22 january 1995 ; the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, 15 february-7 may 1995., Munich, New York, Prestel, 1994
274 p. : ill. ; 31 cm
Catalogue d'exposition
ICO. X 1338 (4°) [Condorcet 2.066, Cat exp]
Bibliographie p. 258-269. Index p. 270-273. Compte rendu dans "Studies in Iconography, 1997, 18", p. 275-283.