Auteur |
Titre |
Année |
Genre |
Cote IRHT |
VERDIER Philippe |
La Vierge à l'encrier et à l'enfant qui écrit |
1981 |
Etude |
4° R 083 |
MCDONALD Katherine |
Et Verbum Caro Factum Est, The Prayer-book of Michelino da Besozzo |
1991 |
Etude |
ICO. X 1267 (8°) |
BEIER Christine |
Buchmalerei in Trier am Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts, Das Graduale n° 463a und b im Bistumsarchiv |
1996 |
Etude |
non |
PAXSON James J. |
The Nether-Faced Devil and the Allegory of Parturition |
1998 |
Etude |
ICO. X-8° R 279 |
EASTON Martha W. |
The wound of Christ, the mouth of hell, Appropriations and inversions of female anatomy in the later Middle Ages |
2006 |
Etude |
ICO. X 2257 (4°) |
DÜCKERS Rob (éd.) et PREIM Ruud (éd.) |
The Hours of Catherine of Cleves, Devotion, demons and daily life in the fifteenth century |
2009 |
Catalogue d'exposition |
ICO. X 2461 (4°) |
AS-VIJVERS Anne Margreet W. (éd.) |
From the hand of the master, The Hours of Catherine of Cleves |
2009 |
Etude |
- |
KÖNIG Eberhard |
Devotion from dawn to dusk, The office of the Virgin in books of hours of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague |
2012 |
Etude |
ICO. X 2503 (8°) |