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Brigitte DEKEYZER (éd.), Jan VAN DER STOCK (éd.), Manuscripts in Transition, Recycling Manuscripts, Texts and Images, Leuven, Peeters, 2005 (Corpus of illuminated manuscripts, 15)

in (42)

IX-490 p. : ill.




ICO. X 2171 (4°)

Index. Ce colloque 'gathers together some 40 contributions by art historians specialised in research into book illuminations from the time of Charlemagne to Charles V's Habsburg empire (ca. 800-ca. 1550). The accent is mainly on the art of the illumination in the Gothic, Burgundian and Post-Burgundian periods' ; le colloque a eu lieu en 2002 à l'occasion de l'exposition 'Medieval Mastery: Book Illumination from Charlemagne to Charles the Bold (800-1475)' (Leuven, Stedelijk Museum Vander Kelen-Mertens).

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