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William M. VOELKLE, « The Amerongen-Vronensteyn Hours (Brussels MS II 7619), Morgan M. 359, and the new iconography of the virtues », Masters and miniatures. Proceedings of the congress on medieval manuscript illumination in the Northern Netherlands (Utrecht, 10-13 December 1989), Doornspijk, Davaco, 1991 (Studies and Facsimiles of Netherlands, 3), p. 183-193 : 17 fig.

Koert van der HORST (éd.), Johann-Christian KLAMT (éd.), Masters and miniatures, Proceedings of the congress on medieval manuscript illumination in the Northern Netherlands (Utrecht, 10-13 December 1989)

p. 183-193 : 17 fig.


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ICO. X 1286 (4°)

Manuscripts in Initiale (1)

Keywords (6)
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