Bibliography Reference Jeffrey Chipps SMITH, « Margaret of York and the Burgundian portrait tradition », Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and the 'Visions of Tondal', Malibu, J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992, p. 47-56 : ill. in Thomas KREN (éd.), Margaret of York, Simon Marmion, and the 'Visions of Tondal', Papers delivered at a Symposium organized by the department of manuscripts of the J. Paul Getty Museum... June 21-24, 1990 Description p. 47-56 : ill. Publication categoryEtude TypeBook section IRHT shelfmark ICO. X 1368 (4°) Manuscripts in Initiale (2) Metz, BM, 1255 : p. 54 (voir) Montpellier, BM, C216 : p. 49-50 ; fig. 15 (ordonnances de Charles le Chauve ; voir) Keywords (3) Marguerite d'York 15e s. manuscrit enluminé