5 results Results: Author Show Sort by: Ascending Descending Title Show Sort by: Ascending Descending Year Show Sort by: Ascending Descending Publication category Show Sort by: Ascending Descending IRHT shelfmark Show Sort by: Ascending Descending Author Title Year Publication category IRHT shelfmark 1 LADNER Gerhart B. The 'Portrait' of the Emperors in Southern Italian Exultet Rolls and the Liturgical Commemoration of the Emperor 1983 Etude ICO. X 1282 (8°) 2 LADNER Gerhart B. The Commemoration Pictures of the Exultet Rolls Barberinus Latinus 592 1983 Etude ICO. X 1282 (8°) 3 SPECIALE Lucinia Liturgia e potere, Le commemorazioni finali nei rotoli dell'Exultet 2000 Etude 8° R 075 4 SKUBISZEWSKI Piotr Ecclesia, Christianitas, Regnum et Sacerdotium dans l'art des Xe-XIe s., Idées et structures des images 1985 Etude 4° R 027 5 TSUJI Sahoko G. Testo e iconografia nei rotoli dell' 'Exultet' 2000 Etude ICO. X 1818 (8°)