4 results Results: Author Show Sort by: Ascending Descending Title Show Sort by: Ascending Descending Year Show Sort by: Ascending Descending Publication category Show Sort by: Ascending Descending IRHT shelfmark Show Sort by: Ascending Descending Author Title Year Publication category IRHT shelfmark 1 STORK Hans Walter Eine Handschrift des Lebens Jesu in Lüttich aus Trier ?, MS Lüttich UB fonds Wittert 71 1989 Etude non 2 MARROW James 'Circumdederunt me canes multi', Christ's Tormentors in Northern European Art of the Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance 1977 Etude 4° R 003 3 PLONKA-BALUS Katarzyna 'Vita Christi' (et) 'La Vengeance de Jhesu Christ Nostre Seigneur', Remarks on the decoration of a 15th century manuscript in the Czartoryski Library 2002 Etude ICO. X 2036 (4°) [Condorcet 2.066, Etude] 4 BONFADINI Paola Immagini della vita di Cristo in un Messale di primo Quattrocento presso la sezione Codici Miniati del Museo Diocesano di Brescia 2001-2002 Etude ICO. X-4° R 090