Publication Director
François Bougard (IRHT – Directeur)
Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes
Paris – Aubervilliers, 14, cours des Humanités 93322 Aubervilliers (France)
Orléans — 3b avenue de la Recherche scientifique 45071 Orléans (France)
Conception of the Original Catalogue
Odile Lépinay (IRHT – Section des manuscrits enluminés)
Claudia Rabel (IRHT – Section des manuscrits enluminés)
Conception of the Online Catalogue
Joanna Frońska (IRHT – Section des manuscrits enluminés)
Jean-Baptiste Lebigue (IRHT – Pôle Sciences du Quadrivium)
Odile Lépinay (IRHT – Section des manuscrits enluminés)
Claudia Rabel (IRHT – Section des manuscrits enluminés)
Patricia Stirnemann (IRHT – Section des manuscrits enluminés)
Véronique Trémault (IRHT – Section des manuscrits enluminés)
Database Application Development
Matthew Charlton (IRHT – Pôle numérique / Informatique)
Cyril Masset (IRHT – Pôle numérique / Informatique)
Henri Seng (IRHT – Pôle numérique / Informatique)
Network Engineering and Online Release
Hassan El Hassouni (IRHT – Pôle numérique / Informatique)
Graphic design
Mathilde Bougard (freelance)
Alessio Capponi (freelance)
Catalogue Entries
Records of MANUSCRIPTS, DECORATIONS and PERSONS are signed with the names of their principal authors.
Technical Information
The database Initiale includes a set of 62 tables managed by RDBMS (MySQL) in accordance with the current policy of migrating data to free software. It is a full Web application, whose development has been optimized for Google Chrome for a minimum resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels.
The website uses the latest technologies recommended by the W3C consortium (HTML5). It uses style sheets (CSS3) for layout and typography.
Legal Disclaimer
The design and content of this website are protected by the intellectual property law. The names or designations and logos are, unless otherwise specified, the property of the IRHT and the CNRS.
No commercial exploitation, reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation, translation, partial or complete of the elements of this website may be made without the prior written consent of the IRHT, with the exception of private use, subject to the different, even more restrictive, provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.
For the copyright and reproductions of digital images, see a corresponding section on the IRHT website. Digital images are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Licence: Attribution - NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0).