5 risultati Risultati: Autore Show Filtra per: Ascending Descending Titolo Show Filtra per: Ascending Descending Anno Show Filtra per: Ascending Descending Genere Show Filtra per: Ascending Descending Segnatura IRHT Show Filtra per: Ascending Descending Autore Titolo Anno Genere Segnatura IRHT 1 CARRASCO Magdalena Two illustrated lives of saints from Romanesque France 1991 Etude non 2 CARRASCO Magdalena Spirituality and Historicity in pictorial hagiography, Two miracles by St. Albinus of Angers 1989 Etude non 3 CARRASCO Magdalena Elizabeth Some illustrations of the life of St. Aubin (Albinus) of Angers (Paris, Bibl. nat., MS. n.a.l. 1390), and related works 1980 Thèse ou mémoire ICO. X 0695 (8°) [Condorcet 2.066, Thèse] 4 BRENK Beat Le texte et l'image dans la 'vie des Saints' au Moyen Age, Rôle du concepteur et rôle du peintre 1984 Etude ICO. X 1050 (8°) 5 HAHN Cynthia Portrayed on the heart, Narrative effect in pictorial lives of saints from the tenth through the thirteenth century 2001 Etude ICO. X 1886 (8°)